I'm sure we've all come to a point in life or WILL get to a point where you need to jump off the hamster wheel and do some self discovery. I did exactly that 3 years ago where I had to make some important life changes to help not just my physical state but my mental peace of mind, key word- Peace. I feel everyone is searching or has found their purpose in life (good for you) and for me this was a consistent thought in my mind where I felt like I was lost so I had to do some soul searching.
I've always been a reader, I usually read about 3 books at a time whether that be poetry, self help or fiction but for the first time in my life I had to focus on me and take a step back from life and hibernate, while I took in every little piece of information I could get that would help me on my journey. I read MANY incredible books and I've narrowed down my top 5 that I feel changed my life and my way of thinking forever. Three years later i'm still practicing and developing my new way of thinking and spreading all the positivity that I can, it can also help to get a life coach which is something I did as well ;)
Insta- @lisalifecoach
A pretty obvious choice for those who know their self discovery books. The Secret is the foundation of all searching and belonging and a way of life that once you start you will never want to look back and why would you?
The Secret is basically learning the law of attraction, ask, believe and then you shall receive. For some it sounds simple but you have to consider everything you think because what you think you attract. This is one of the most uplifting books I've ever read, the positivity oozes throughout each page and blows your mind in an instant. If you have heard of The Secret but haven't gone and read it then I urge you to please start with this book and read the incredible stories and life changing advice that will stick with you forever.
After reading this book I felt like I had found the right path for me since I have always wanted to be apart of this beautiful and positive world filled with gratitude and creation which I can share with others. It's the kind of book you can read a thousand times over and still feel the same way as if it were the first time. Plus it's an easy read.
Please enjoy and share your thoughts below.
This beautiful and well written (easy to read) book was a game changer for me. Shani Jay is an empowerment coach who travels the world sharing her light with others and this book is for those who are looking for inspiration and literal self help.
Shani shares her life stories and everything she has learnt on the way to help us grow and evolve together. The book is filled with plenty of exercises to get the reader involved and working on themselves without even realising it. Shani makes the reader feel like they're in a safe place and puts vulnerability in its positive light and helps push you to working on yourself for the better. I felt like a changed woman after reading this book and I reccomend it highly to everyone. Whether you know it or not you need this book to highlight areas you didn't know you needed to work on or just to empower you to make those changes and go head on with life and grab it by the horns.
We need to be more aware of the opportunities books like this can hold, most people can't afford life coaches, empowerment coaches, personal trainers etc and these type of books are written by professionals who have taken it upon themselves to share their gift and talent with the world.
Personally I was holding some life grudges and Shani helped me to acknowledge them and let them go, I felt like a weight had been lifted and still I find myself looking back on the book often on days where I need some inspiration. As you can see by the book cover, Shani celebrates women and empowers women to shine.
For all my female readers this one is for you!
I don't know where to begin when it comes to Wayne Dyer, he is an incredible human being who graced this earth sharing so much knowledge and saving many lives with his wisdom and his sincerity. They say that Dr Wayne Dyer was a self help author and a motivational speaker but to all those that know his work well; will see him as so much more!

Wishes fulfilled was recommended to me by my life coach Lisa who read the book in just under a day! I myself certainly did not read the book this quickly, it took me about a month to get through it because there is SO much to take on. My brain was exploding with knowledge and new ideas that Wayne planted there for every reader to gain and learn from. The art of manifesting is a tell all spiritual book that takes you on your own journey of self discovery and helps you gain understanding on a new way of thinking and living the life you so truly deserve. I don't know about you but I bookmark many pages that inspire me or stand out to me so while reading this book I found myself wanting to book mark practically every page to look back on in the future.
This book is one of many Wayne Dyer books that relate to everyone in different ways, the book is an easy read but does require ALL of your attention and if you're like me you'll find yourself stopping to take it all in or reading most chapters back. Make the most of this book, share it with those you feel it will help but never give it away! You'll always be coming back to it I'm sure.
I also recommend Dr Wayne Dyers podcast with Hay House which is still uploaded once a week considering Wayne sadly left this earth in 2015.
Sucked in by the title I heard about this book through a podcast and heard it was the kind of book you give out to your friends, buy extra copies for around the house and re read the book whenever necessary.
Written in 1925 this book has most definitely stood the test of time and changed lives around the world even today. Touching on the law of attraction, the game of life teaches you how to play and most importantly how to win.
Another book that blew my mind like this one was Letters to a young Poet which I have touched on before in previous Blogs. Some books are throw aways and some you will keep forever and let the dust fall where it may but you will never throw it away.
The Game of Life is certainly one of those books and the opening will keep you locked in wanting to read more, its a short read but it is filled with all you need to know. There is even blank pages for your notes so make plenty! Florence's wisdom teaches you how to make your thoughts a reality, allot like The Secret I do believe these books go hand in hand. If there really was a guide book for life I would say this is it. Your mind will take from it what it needs and I am sure that in years to come if you feel to read this book again you will take on other lessons and keep on going. This book made me sit up and pay attention and look at life in a completely different way, its not as scary as we make it out to be. If you've taken anything from this Blog so far please make sure this book is in your shopping cart.
The You are a Badass books are incredible! No they are not just an instagram trend (like I thought) they are mind blowing books, written by Jen Sincero who has hella life stories to share with us and life changing advice that again will stick with your forever.
My Partner bought this book for me and I've never related to a title more than I have with this one. Jen is an amazing writer who like me writes as if she's having a conversation with you. This book feels like Jen is reaching out of the pages and speaking to you and you alone!
She really wants to help you get your shit together and inspire you along the way. Like most great self help books Jen states the importance of meditation, the law of attraction, asking the universe for what you want and letting it go and getting to work! She helps put thoughts into action and works alongside you while you navigate this thing called life.
Not only is this book inspirational and everything you need on your journey Jen also has 2 other books called- You are a badass at making money and You are a badass everyday.
Get reading, take notes and please do the exercises! I bought a note pad especially and thoroughly enjoyed working on myself and seeing my dreams appear right before my eyes while I put everything out to the universe. Write down the affirmations in all these books, keep them in your phone or scattered in your bag and focus on one every day, keep working on yourself because "if you don't love yourself how in the hell you gonna love somebody else can i get an amen up in here!"
I was in such a dark place when I started this journey and now fast forward a few years I am shining. I hope these books have helped you or inspire you in some way, don't give up on yourself and know that the universe always has your back.
All my love