
Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Anniversary Settings x

So on Monday it was my Partner and I's 2 year Anniversary (officially) ;) We booked The Harte And Garter in Windsor town and set off there on Sunday for a night of fun and love. We went to an amazing Greek resteraunt called The Real Greek. Incredibly cheap food as it comes in small portions so i'd recommend ordering a few dishes each! Heres what we had-    

I'm a big MEAT EATER and I'm intolerant to Wheat (gluten) and Dairy. So as usual I googled the resteraunt and checked its menu and surprisingly it was easy to read and simply noted the dairy free choices. Of course Meat would be dairy free and I know not to order cow! I would recommend this place for those with allergies or without. 

My Anniversary outfit was my go to dress right now and material and that is - Velvet! 

I fell in love with velvet around November time and because I'm a shopaholic I went and bought three Velvet dresses. 
Two from BooHoo - Red and dark Blue. 
Then One from Missguided- Violet.
I can say they have been worn plenty of times since November.
Christmas season was all about Velvet for me and its so comfortable, but hot! I wouldn't recommend Velvet in an underground nightclub ;)

Outfit- Red BooHoo Dress. 
Belt River Island in the sale and I wore my Kurt Gieger Wine Colour Ankle boots that my partner bought for me for Christmas.

This was the room and my flowers- The Room had 4 double doors leading to the balcony looking out to Windsor Castle. Stunning!

Here is also my other Velvet purchase, the Violet Missguided Dress. Plus my Missguided Pink Faux Fur coat which I'm in love with-

Sorry for the bad quality pictures. These are from my iPhone. I'll try and use more of my camera for future blogs.
Links below of clothes mentioned- (those that are still on site) 
Fur Coat- 

Violet Velvet-

Now on sale! Wine, Kurt Gieger ankle boots - 

Hope you found this helpful or inspiring.. more Fashion to come.

Monday, 18 January 2016


Hey Everyone! My names Crystal-Clear and this is my new and improved blog - White Gold.

White Gold will contain blogs on Fashion, Health (food), Fitness and Lifestyle and general life. 
My Health section will only include recipes and meals for Celiacs like myself; also Dairy free. 
Fashion will be just my own personal style, new purchases and what I'm loving right now and so on. 
Fitness and Lifestyle will blend in with Health, I will blog about workout tips, what i do in the gym etc and what I like to wear. 

I hope you enjoy White Gold and follow me on my new Path